Nevada School of the Arts is a non-profit community music school offering private lessons, group instruction, and ensembles for students of all ages and abilities whether they are 3 or 93. Everyone who wants to learn how to play an instrument or refresh their skills is welcome.
NSA is located in the Historic Fifth Street School at 401 S. Fourth St., Suite 125, Las Vegas, NV 89109
Parking Lot: The Historic Fifth Street School (where NSA is housed) has a parking lot accessible from Fourth St. just north of Clark St. Please Note: NSA is only one of several tenants at the Historic Fifth Street School; parking is limited. If and when we are given notice of parking lot unavailability, we will pass that on to our students and families.
City/Metered Parking: There is metered street parking along Clark St. and Fourth St. as well as streets in adjacent city blocks. An hourly city parking garage is also available on Fourth St. across from the Historic Fifth Street School. Visit City of Las Vegas Parking Services for current public parking information.
NSA faculty members are professional musicians with advanced degrees, and extensive training and experience. To teach at NSA faculty members undergo a rigorous selection process including interview, performance, and teaching evaluation.
You may register using our online registration form. If you have any questions, you may call us Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm at 702-384-2787 or email us at info@nevadaschoolofthearts.org
We have continuous open registration throughout the year. If you register for private lessons after the semester has commenced, we will prorate the tuition. If you register for other programs after the semester has commenced, tuition will not be prorated.
Tuition for private lessons, our different group activities and ensembles vary, but can be found on their individual program pages.
Need-based and Merit-based scholarships are available for the Fall and Spring semesters. Scholarships are not available for the Summer session currently. Current Scholarship deadlines and other information.
NSA offers lessons in all instruments. Detailed list of instruments taught.
Trial lessons are $40 for a 30-minute lesson on your instrument of choice. There is no commitment. If you are not satisfied, we can schedule another trial lesson with a different faculty member. When you have made a decision to start with the faculty member of your choice, we will register you for the semester.
Online private lessons are available. Scheduling will vary between faculty
NSA faculty utilizes both Suzuki and traditional methods in classical music training and jazz music studies. The emphasis is not on what methodology is used but what the outcome is. Regardless of their training methods, students and faculty are held accountable for a high level of musical achievement.
In general, we assign teachers to incoming students. If you have a particular teacher in mind, depending on the teacher’s schedule and availability, we will try our best to accommodate your request.
Private lessons are usually taken once a week but you can take them as often as you would like. Group classes and ensemble schedules vary, but can be found on their individual program pages.
We offer 30-minute, 45-minute, 60-minute, 75-minute and 90-minute individual lessons. Group activities and Ensembles range from 30 to 90 minutes.
Private lessons are scheduled between student and teacher based on teacher’s availability. Most lessons are scheduled after academic school hours Monday through Friday and mornings on Saturday. Some teachers may also teach on Sunday.
Group classes and ensembles are offered Monday through Friday starting from as early as 3:00 pm up to 6:30 pm. All programs typically end no later than 8:00 pm. Programs held on Saturdays typically start as early as 9:00 am and end no later than 3:00 pm. For detailed schedule information, visit individual program pages.
Each studio will have at least one studio recital per semester. These are usually held toward the end of the semester. Contact your private lesson teacher for more information on your upcoming studio recital.
Ensembles and other group activities may have one or more performances throughout the semester. These performances are highlighted on the calendar on NSA’s website, as well as on each program’s calendars.
At least 24-hour notice for absences is required. One private lesson missed by a student per semester may be made up if the absence is reported 24 hours before the scheduled lesson. This privilege applies only to students enrolled during the first six weeks of the semester. A missed makeup lesson cannot be made up. No refunds, credits, or make-ups will be issued for missed group classes or rehearsals. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the teacher or the office if unable to attend a lesson, class, or rehearsal.
All teacher absences due to professional obligations, teacher illness, or emergencies will be made up by arrangement between the teacher and the student.
Yes. Apply for our Need-based scholarships. Current Scholarship Deadline and other information.